Snapshots of April happiness…

To combat some of the seriousness of late (& before the photo’s are redundant) here are some of the lovely things that have been happening in the last month. First there was the Easter show… Then Nat came to visit and we spent a day shopping and nephew birthday partying and eating… And then, just as term ended, Mum came to Newtown for 2 days … Continue reading Snapshots of April happiness…

More than ANZAC days and boundless plains…

I haven’t sung the second verse of the national anthem for years, and yet it wasn’t because of forgotten words that I couldn’t sing it today. Rather, standing in the middle of Martin Place, earlier than I’d ever been awake let alone cognizant, the following words couldn’t get past a very hard lump in my throat: “For those who’ve come across the seas, we’ve boundless … Continue reading More than ANZAC days and boundless plains…